By Anonymous - 28/11/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I was explaining the inner parts of a vagina and how they work. To my boyfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 616
You deserved it 6 736

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You're a good girlfriend for bothering to do so. I'm 26, and my knowledge of female anatomy is still pretty vague.


jennagurl39 0

I'd wanna be there to here ittt

twaumat 28

the "inner" part is called a uterus...u don't know about ur body? fail.

youreallidiots 2

Except for the part where the uterus isn't part of the ******. The inner bit is, in fact, the ******. The outer bits are vulvae and various other parts. Sounds to me like you're the fail here. Thanks for playing.

cristmist 5

I have yet to do that my guy wants to know too FOL

Oh I remember my girlfriend's explaining to my virgin borne ignorance. It happens, but I feel sympathetic.

Wat i alrdy kno parts of a vjj n how sex worx. N im 13

brianandtommy 4

How the hell is this an FML really grow up

Been there OP. But sometimes that's what it takes!