By ChickenBallsPlease - 28/01/2014 11:16 - United Kingdom - King's Lynn

Today, I was eating at a Chinese restaurant, when I stopped the waitress to tell her that even though I am of Chinese heritage, I can't understand a word of Chinese. After an awkward silence, she told me she was actually speaking English. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 576
You deserved it 16 642

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Apparently you can't understand English either. Did you have to use a translator for this FML?


BlockOfRedStone 25

Damn, more like FHL. Having a thick accent sucks - you have to deal with this kind of stuff your whole life.

RedPillSucks 31

I've actually watched two chinese people having a hard time understanding each other because of their accented english. They couldn't speak to each other in Chinese, cause one spoke Mandarin and the other spoke Cantonese, so they tried to communicate in english. Badly.

That's sounds even more awkward than this FML.

Suaria 38

At least someone mentions the different dialects of Chinese.

Quiet_one 22

That's embarrassing, but understandable. Accents are hard! I even have trouble understanding other native English speakers sometimes. For a while after I moved to Georgia I struggled so much with Southern accents that I'm pretty sure my first boss here thought I was slow. It happens.

badluckalex 23

she must have had a thick accent. lol

pnutzmckracken 3

This is a case when I want to hear a response by the op, were you just completely baffled by what she was saying or just unobservant? Either way you still looked a bit silly. It seems like you forgot how to English.

"Herro. I um yo waituresseuh tooooooooodai." Sorry, I do not understand chinese. "Duh fuq? I spik engrish werr enup"

Thick accent or you just assumed it was Chinese?

Don't nobody understand the words that are coming out of your mouth!

bobbyguy 17

Well apparently you need to learn English also.