By Heavy D - 06/09/2012 13:45 - United States

Today, I was driving with my boss and she held her breath as we drove past a cell tower, because she didn't want to "breathe in any radiation." I have to take orders from this moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 917
You deserved it 2 018

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flipcrazy 0

You laugh now but in a week or two when you grow that third arm and eye, you're gonna be looking real foolish.

You should tell her there's radiation everywhere so she shouldn't breath anymore. That'll solve your problem


Morons are always in charge. When I had to mop the bathroom and mix the cleaner at a ratio of 2:1, I put 2 gallons of water and 1 gallon of cleaner. My boss though that 2 quarts was a gallon.

MolesterStallone 13

It would be funnier to fart when she's not holding her breath

perdix 29

Tell her by holding her breath, she's reducing her greenhouse gas emissions. Ridicule her huge carbon footprint so she holds her breath long enough to pass out, and you can take her job!

Radiation can contaminate things, and therefore there's an argument she's right.

Except the fact the holds her breath because "she doesn't want to breathe in any radiation." I think you're just as dumb as the boss.

spiritfang11237 16

Alpha radiation is the stuff you shouldn't breath in but clothing tends to be able to block it. it is the gamma rays you need to worry about and holding your breath is not going to help you there. Annonimously print out fact sheets about radiation and sources and leave them at her desk when she isn't looking.

xXHollowIchigoXx 17

He should fart, and when she asks "What's that smell?" tell her "It's radiation". l=^P

For the company Christmas party the whole office should chip in to buy her a radiation suit.

afer85 4

I'd laugh more if she reads this and you get busted/fired. I love how people openly trash their bosses and they don't realize they may read them and figure it out.

Epikouros 31

We can safely assume OP's boss doesn't have a sense of humor, and therefore doesn't read FML.

All the fun you could have with her having a phobia of radiation.....