By A.K. - 27/05/2009 12:40 - United States

Today, I was driving on the highway and a cop had his radar gun out. The woman in front of me panics and slams her brakes on, causing me to rear end her. The cop cited me for "tailgating" and I have to pay for the damages on both of our cars. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 177
You deserved it 21 095

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats the technical definition of tailgating. If you're so close to the other car that in a situation in which the car in front of you suddenly breaks, and you rear end the car in front of you, that would be tailgating. Really, what do you think tailgating is if its not exactly the situation you're in now?

I cant stand people who slam on their brakes whenever they see a cop. Especially when the dudes on the other side of the highway


Kyothine 0

#16 and #19, you're not funny and never will be. Stop trying.

Take evasive driving lessons! haha.

I accidentally clicked YLIF.... what I meant to do was call you a douchebag. YDI

elemenopyqrstuv 0

I'm a police officer, and I say you deserve it. If you were so close that you slammed into her when she hit the brakes, then you obviously were tailgating. Pay the fine..

same thing happened to me--except i was the car in front and I was forced to brake because the car in front of me braked. I managed not to hit that car, then got slammed from behind. My car got totaled and I ended up in the hospital. So yeah, no sympathy

snoopy24_fml 0

33, do you "reverse" FMLs rather than reserve??? please learn to check what you write instead of making stupid typos

The people saying you should be 2 seconds behind the car in front of you isn't safe on the highway. It should be about 6 seconds for average highway speeds. OP, YDI because like everyone else said you were following too closely and not paying attention.

you probably *were* tailgaiting. You're supposed to follow far enough behind that you can avoid stuff just like that. YDI

rixbury 0

I get that you were probably following too closely. But that is still the reason why cops shouldn't be doing this. We are one of the only country's in the world that have these bullshit laws. Cops need to protect and serve not harass and endanger. Waste of time and resources.

You know, if you hit her, you WERE tailgating.