By nerd - 18/06/2009 14:15 - Finland

Today, I was driving in my car when out of the corner of my eye I notice a car pulling up next to me trying to get past me. I speed up, so as not to let the car pass me. It took me a while before I noticed I was racing against the shadow of my own car. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 320
You deserved it 76 306

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a bit rude in the first place to not let someone pass you.

deja54 0

Why would you speed up to not let someone pass you? I hope someone runs you off the road next time you do this.


How is this a fml? You're just a tool who deserves to play in oncoming traffic n have people speed up n hit you.

cssb08 0

wtf. You all act like you've never done it before. You're a bunch of ******* hypocrites. No, I'm not saying that it's ok, but I think it depends on the situation. If you're on a highway and he's trying to pass you, yeah, that's dangerous, stupid, and a dick move. But if you're on a regular road, and he just needs to get into your lane, then whatever. ESPECIALLY if there's room for him to get in behind you. I ******* hate it when people feel the need to force their way between me and the car in front of me when there are NO cars behind me. Either way, you're an idiot for thinking your shadow was another car. I don't even get how that could possibly happen considering your shadow would be on the ground.

Wow you are such and idiot. No wonder why there are so many car crashes. You should slow down so people can pass you freaking moron

birds_fml 7

It's not a race. You're not going to "win" by not letting someone pass you. You're a douche. YDI.

hahaha, wow... learn to drive. and to see.

Oh, so YOU'RE the a-hole who doesn't recognize the merit of common courtesy while driving, and allowing others to pass you when they need to. I've always wondered what motivated folks like you. Now I see it's just ignorance, stupidity, and bad manners. Thanks for the enlightenment.

sassyfrass 0

Thanks for giving all female drivers a bad name.

YDI for 1) aggressive driving and 2) just being an idiot. People like you deserve to get their licenses revoked- that kind of behavior on the road is far from safe.