By drewig - 10/05/2010 05:28 - United States

Today, I was driving home from work when I was pulled over by a cop. She asked why I was being pulled over and figuring she knew I said, "For swerving because of my alcohol problem." I had a broken tail light. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 149
You deserved it 53 573

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You so deserve it for driving while you KNOW you're drunk enough to swerve.

Don't drink and drive; you might spill the drink.


wow ur a ******* idiot ..... ydi I don't want to share the road with you anyway

theshined 0

ok you tis this nawb. get sum it up. its 6

^^ Look at all the losers who reply to the first comment in a pathetic attempt for attention.:)

noseasmamon 0

I don't get it.... and well u commented about it so they are getting attention?...

These are the times you wish you could spam the YDI for 30 seconds....

YDI. If you were drunk driving, then I have no sympathy.

jessica0105 0

Wow.. you are just a f*cking idiot!!

NOTHING you say can be used against you in court if the officer did not read your Maranda rights first. so plz stop being stupid know your rights as a citizen

spartan_girl 0

I would think that by OP saying he swerved because of an alcohol problem, he(she?) would have given the officer probable cause to do a breathalyzer/field test/whatever to see if he was driving drunk. I don't know that much about it, but it seems like that would be as good of a probable cause as any...but OP doesn't say what happened next, so maybe he convinced the officer that he was joking or something. Either way, YDI, OP, because driving drunk is not funny, and making jokes about it isn't really funny either, especially to a police officer who has pulled you over.

Well put 57! Just an FYI though, the cops don't have to have arrested you for Miranda to be triggered, they simply have to have you "detained" and then start asking incriminating questions. In this case, the douchebag volunteered the info prior to detention, and in response to a routine traffic question.

yay 72 someone else knows something about the law. :]

yourefreakindumb 0

**** YOU DUDE. I hope you get in an alchohal related crash that hurts only yourself. **** you.

hotdyegrl 0

she would have figured it out anyways...

Quest_ 13

YDI for drink driving, you ******* idiot, you make me sick. Also YDI for finding the need to specify that it was a female cop. Asshole.