By KPKallery - 05/06/2009 05:25 - United States

Today, I was babysitting. I was sitting on the sofa when I felt that I need to ajust my sitting arangment. After moving, I felt a small toy snap under me. The little boy said it was fine. One hour later he snuck up on me and beat me with an umbrella for breaking his toy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 793
You deserved it 11 745

Same thing different taste


Repressed anger boy villian in the kid world strikes again!

ChasinParkedCars 0

reason #245 why child abuse should be legal.

megahero 0
ohhhhshizzz 0

#133: How is this fake? Are you one of those douches who go on every post, "calling" a fake? Shut up! #128: Really? How did you find this site? This is a site for, FUNNY things that screw up or day or whatnots momentarily. Not: "Today, my mom died from lung cancer, I got hit by a car that was going the wrong way on a one way street. My dad bought my dog to the hospital, which was eaten by the man who likes to ********** to the deceased Bea Arthur in the bed net to me. FML" No you don't so go eat a heaping bowl of stfu and get over it. YDI: You deserved it. OP: LMAO. I love that kid.

martron3000 5

Just be thankful that kid was not a baseball player, 'cause then he might have used a bat!

So is that kid like a politician in training?

I've been beaten with a pole by some kid I was babysitting. For no reason. I hate kids.

kellster 2

Maybe look before you sit, especially in someone else's house? Kids get their shit everywhere; it's up to you to make sure you don't damage it! I hope you offered his parents to pay for it!

ShinigamiKing 0

:) demon child!don't you just love kids?