By MoxleyCrue - 17/08/2015 07:34 - United States - Pittsburgh

Today, I was attacked by a duck. I thought I was higher on the food chain than that. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 670
You deserved it 3 908

MoxleyCrue tells us more.

OP here. I was eating in its general proximity. That's what I was doing. Eating things it wanted.

Top comments

CliffyB03 28

Then he waddled away. Waddle waddle waddle. Till the very next day.

Were you annoying it? Not sure if ydi or not


hey at least it was not some "ducking quackers"

Birds can be mean. I'm still traumatized and hold a deep fear of geese after being chased across a huge park by an entire gaggle when I was seven.