By dmvsucks - 13/09/2010 15:14 - United States

Today, I was at the DMV getting temporary tags for my new car. While waiting in line, a huge fat lady behind me felt the need to run her finger down the scar on the back of my neck. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 622
You deserved it 3 089

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to say skinny or fat... I wouldn't be okay with a random stranger caressing my body at all. fyl


Would have been funnier has she asked you were you got the scar and you replied "Voldemort tried to kill me as a baby, but he missed"

You could've ended the FML after the first sentence. FYL for the personal bubble invasion too, but I probably would've given that lady her own FML out of pure reflex. Nobody touches the scar.

I hope you yelled, "Get your hands off me! That's assault!" or some such. That is way beyond inappropriate.

EvilDave 13

actually it is battery. Assault is attempting to make contact.

Or, "That's my purse!" "I don't know you!" "Bad touch! Bad touch!"

mebemadison 0

fat old ppl r just creepy like that, one time i was at a this diner, and this random old lady comes up to me and my friend saying how we're so lucky to be young, and how if we don't believe in god, we'll go to hell, yeah old ppl are just weirdly odd like that...

Shadow_Phantom 26
ajz0691 0

what does a small fat lady look like?