By Anonymous - 10/01/2011 02:35 - United States

Today, I was at my boyfriend's house, in the bathroom. I noticed a pregnancy test in the trash can. He lives alone. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 506
You deserved it 3 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

#50, if you're going to correct other people, at least use correct spelling. You're just making yourself look like a bigger ass THAN her.


and u were looking through the trash for what reason? ydi

fjretsel 1

why dont u bring it to him and tell him you are pregnant. the previous girl laughed off the positive result and threw it away because she knows raising a kid with your bf would be a waste of time. quick, bring the test to him to freak him out!! when he is down on the floor crying, shove it up his ass and say "that's a negative, Starbuck".

Here's a random thought....a girl who doesn't want the father to know before she's sure, one who's SO left them, if the father is in the military, if she'd been sexually assaulted in some way, basically if she's looking for moral support and her closest friend is male. My best friend is a straight guy and almost definitely would know my suspicions before anyone else and be there for me. Hell he would help me take care of the kid if necessary.

The crappy thing about asking someone caught in a situation like that is that it'd be super easy to just say that it was a friend's test. I dated a really good liar once, though I never found another person's pregnancy test in his trash. I feel really bad for the OP (because really, what girl goes to a straight guy friend to do a pregnancy test if there isn't a chance he's the father?).

IneffableLullaby 13

So...Is your boyfriend pregnant? Don't leave us in suspense! :p

hey dnt be so quick to judge, it might have been his. tell me, was it positive or negative?