By NotSoYoung - 17/06/2009 16:35 - Canada

Today, I was at McDonald's and I was going through the drive-thru. As I was driving away, I checked my food and the lady had given me a Night at the Museum Happy Meal toy by mistake. I got so excited that I crashed the car into a pole. I'm 36. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 812
You deserved it 70 668

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dracer 0

The little joys are the best?

kmander93 0

you're ridiculous, though I would do the same


First one that has made me laugh in a while c: But yeah FYL

WolfgangDS 0

Doesn't matter what anyone else says, you are awesome for still getting excited about a toy.

seb12992 0

I agree with #62 :D YDI though, make sure you always pay attention.

AnotherStranger2 0

...Y-You complete dumb-dumb... Was it Einstein, at least?! 8'D Ah, the little joys. FYL for crashing, YDI for not just saving the cheering later. Don't eat and drive. It kills. XD

I hope it was the Easter Island head, in which case I could completely understand.

Um it's a happy meal I would do the same thing but not that drastic I just do something I mean a happy meal toy those things r awesome

ledzeplover 0

haha i can just imagine the joy on your face.. then the shock.. then the anger. this made me laugh, even though YDI. but i completely understand. after all its the little things in life that matter most :) oh and hahah #66 i'm with ya :D

SusanaSaysRawrxD 0

Ohkay. I can see getting a little excited (those movies are beast!) but seriously, you're more than old enough to be able to be a responsible driver! Dumbass. I hope the toy broke. Yeah, I went there xD YDI x12.