By thatwasmiz - 08/04/2009 06:38 - United States

Today, I was at a gay bar and asking a really convincing drag queen about her daily routine. I asked how she tucked her penis in. She responded, "Um, I'm a woman." I said, "Oh I'm sorry, are you pre-op or post-op?" She said, "No, I always have been and always will be a woman, asshole." FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 554
You deserved it 78 932

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Aren't those extremely personal questions to be asking? Could we get a transgender/transvestite to weigh in on this discussion?

I clicked YDI, then FML. It's a bit of both, I'vegottaa say, some of them can be pretty damn convincing!


For all the YDI people, why would a woman be in a GAY BAR anyway?

missethics 0

I wanna take you to a gay bar, gay bar

It's kinda her own fault for even being there.

randomdude1234 0

since all the other FHL's fail I'm going to do one: Today, I went to a gay bar and was talking to this really cute guy. He was so sweet and was asking me about my daily rountine and just seemed genuinely interested in my life. He then asked me if I was pre or post-OP. I'm a natural born woman. FML.

Not your fault because it was in a gay bar and if there were other drag queens around what would you expect? It is your fault for asking her if she was pre-op or post-op and how she tucks. Those are very invasive questions and you shouldn't ask unless she offers the information.

ccsballazdre 8

hahahhaahhaha LOL tha's cute...but why is a woman is a gay bar? 0.0