By WellGroomed - 23/10/2015 01:19 - New Zealand - Hamilton

Today, I walked into my living room to find my housemate sitting on the couch, bollock naked, trimming his pubes with scissors. He's surprised I have an issue with this. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 225
You deserved it 1 643

WellGroomed tells us more.

This was actually a few years ago when I was living in Dublin. Never seen that movie so they could well have plagiarised the idea from me! Another classic from this guy: With my toothbrush in his mouth-"you're not one of those people who cares when someone uses their toothbrush are you?" FML

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A07 48

"Since you're already here, help a bro out?"


Is no one going to comment about how this is exactly the same scene out of Harold and Kumar?...

Harold and Kumar go to white castle...anyone?

Video him- slap it on YouTube- problem solved

This was actually a few years ago when I was living in Dublin. Never seen that movie so they could well have plagiarised the idea from me! Another classic from this guy: With my toothbrush in his mouth-"you're not one of those people who cares when someone uses their toothbrush are you?" FML

Is it bad that I don't see an issue with that.. Or have I just been living with weird house mates for a very long time...

Thats just reprehensible! Definitely time to find some civilized roommates and set some ground rules from day one OP

Yuck he could've at least gone into the bathroom to do that. I'm sorry you had to witness that OP. Perhaps a sit down conversation on respectful boundaries in the house is in order.