By Joe - 11/12/2011 01:03 - United States

Today, I walked in on my mom, braiding my dad's pubic hair. I don't know what scarred me more; my mom braiding his pubic hair or the fact that his pubic hair is long enough to be braided. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 458
You deserved it 4 164

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Mojo66930 0

Thats just wrong in so many ways.

CuteDumBlonde64 11

I just BARFED a little in my mouth:( This never happen to me on this website.


imagine all the other things your parents do. ew. poor you.

ohh this shit is disgusting I hope your lying...

Grody! No offense but your family's weird

121- Indeed. Although I was joking about being a female.

footcheezeez 16
daisysanchez24 7

Ugh, parents should really learn to lock their doors. ;)

Thats just wrong in so many ways eww... You must have been embarresed????

Um!. . . . . . . . That's GROSSest fml ever. . . . May your dad go bald down there!

WeezysGurl05 1

They are bonding. I don't know it sounds pretty cool that they are comfortable enough for them to do that.