By bored - 27/11/2012 18:05 - United States

Today, I've now worked on Thanksgiving, Black Friday, the weekend after that, and two days this week. My husband and son have had all that time off, and yet I've still ended up having to clean the dishes and the house after them on all of these days. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 381
You deserved it 5 680

Same thing different taste

Top comments


titibug823 11

I say time for a MOM STRIKE! Blow your top at them and don't give the son any privileges (phone, TV, etc) until he pulls his own weight. Same goes for the husband. If he doesn't start pulling his weight, guess who isn't getting any?

metmimo 8

Same thing in my house except that my kids are 18, 1.5 and 9 months old. I do everything. Sucks being a woman

It can suck being a man too. It all depends upon your individual situation. Life can suck . . . sometimes it sucks unfairly often and/or it sucks so intensely that life can be unbearable . . . especially one one can't see the light at the end of the tunnel and loses hope that the dark tunnel ends. I hope you cans find a way to create light and hope in your situation.

I hope you made a sammich for your husband too once you got off work OP

If they don't care about a mess then OP is out of luck in going on strike of not cleaning. But op you need to set the law down. This is inexcusable behaviour. If you must go on mommy strike I recommend halting the following - cleaning, cooking and grocery shopping. If your son relies on an allowance then stop it.

myloginforfml 2

Wait, so it's not just my family that's allergic to doing the dishes?

winkydog4056 16

If OP is working that much, hire someone to clean up after the slobs you call family.

Stop being a door mat. Sounds like the two men in your life are being selfish & thoughtless