By motherfucked - 15/01/2016 17:07 - United States - Baltimore

Today, I tried to send my friend a link to a really weird porno. Unfortunately, Google Hangouts popped up with a message from my mom. I didn't realize the keyboard focus had switched until I hit Ctrl+V and Enter real quick. Now I'm grounded. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 697
You deserved it 21 184

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ooh look we have a message from our awesome son. It's a link! Wow! That odd-AHH WHAT THA **** IS THAT!?!??

ScarletteEve 33

What religious shack did you grow up in?


Funny sh*t like this always gets my day to a good start. Sorry OP but I can't even imagine F-ing up like that.

You were looking at that incest garbage again, didn't you, motherfucked?

LalapaloozaChick 14

Fun tip: if you realize you sent a message to the wrong person or anything like that soon enough, you can quickly put your phone in airplane mode and it cancels the text being sent. Then just delete the message before turning off airplane mode. Here's hoping this saves somebody's ass at some point!

@38 Except the OP was obviously using a computer, not a phone.

Turn on undoing emails in Google settings so nothing like this will happen again

that and who the **** sends **** to their friends? I don't want to know what my friends get off to and don't want them to know what I get off to.

YDI for using Google hangouts. What are we? Barbarians?

uchihadesendent 14

You deserve that one but watching **** is normal OP.

If you are still getting grounded for that, then you are not even of legal age to watch ****.