By ShelterForTheHomless - 14/01/2014 03:31 - United States - Anaheim

Today, I took a nap in my car right after finishing up at work. I was woken up by a hobo sitting in the passenger seat, watching me sleep. Apparently, he'd managed to unlock the door with a wire hanger. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 636
You deserved it 5 892

perdix tells us more.

perdix 29

#41, yes, but I only know the shenanigans hobos play on male victims, and, yes, I'm still bitter that FML didn't publish that one.

Top comments

RenoTheRhino 30

Politely give him a parcel of food and ask him to leave. Then make sure there isn't anything funky in your car..


jweb1434 6

You better hope he didnt touch your lips if so I pray for you #bumbumpnation

Right And you slept right through him breathing into your car.