By Anonymous - 20/04/2009 18:22 - United States

Today, I told my mom that I was taking antidepressants because I hate myself. She said "That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And, you're kind of a bitch." FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 041
You deserved it 23 588

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Maybe you should recommend those drugs to your mom...but then again you could be a bitch :D

"Today, my daughter told me she was on anti-depressants. I told her, 'That's not surprising. You hate everybody. And you're kind of a bitch.' 10 hours later, she burst through the door with a tommy gun. FML"


TryToBeKind 0

Wow, that's a really harsh way of putting it! She has (sort of) a point that if you hate everyone, it's not surprising that you hate yourself. It's not surprising that if you're a bitch, you probably need psychiatric help (I'm assuming here that you are not assertive & straightforward, you are agressive & selfish. I'm not sure how to respond when people tell me they're on psych meds, I just tell them I used to be on them too and I offer advice if they ask for it. Mostly that's advice on how certain meds effected me and what I thought worked and what didn't for therapy and dealing with doctors. Sometimes it's helpful, sometimes it isn't. Anyway, good luck with those meds helping you

You might want to start taking those pills. I doubt that's what she said and that's just the way you interpreted it. Stop being emo and find the fun in life. Everyone hates stuff in life; just deal with it.

epic_phail 0

haha i'm the same way. I hate everyone and i'm a btich... But I like myself...

You should take some anti-bitch pills instead of anti-depressants. But nobody makes those because people like being bitches.

rubbertoe77 0

antidepressants are just for people who can't deal with the pressures of their daily lives. From the sound of it, this girl is just a stupid spoiled suburban teenage girl whose "depression" consists of teenage angst

1) Calling the OP a 'bitch' is just plain mean. 2) To anyone/everyone saying depression is "being emo," you clearly don't understand the science of psychological/behavioral disorders. Depression is a chemical imbalance and anti-depressants balance everything back out. So, piss off!

your mom sucks. even if you are being bitchy (which i doubt) she is supposed to help you/support. not treat you like something she wipes her ass with. oh, anger and hostility (i.e. bitch behavior) are signs of depression. its common knowledge to anyone who has ever taken an abnormal psych course. it's often a natural result of feeling helpless and sometimes a defense mechanism to avoid further being hurt by others. keep taking your meds. ignore your mom and get better soon. try talking to a psychologist or something.

crunkkidz 0

Whether this person is a bitch or not, you shouldn't tell your child they are a bitch after they have informed you of the antidepressants they take because they hate themself. If the OP really is a bitch, she still doesn't deserve that, in my opinion. The OP is most likely a teenager going through a rough time and teens need support most of the time. Even if she is a total bitch, her mother should at least be there to help her get through this self-hatred phase. Maybe the mom is a bitch and the OP inherited the trait.

wow...#48 pretty much just gave us their whole life story....jeez. Thanks for that... I don't know how you feel, because my parents are very supportive about my depression. Maybe your mom thinks you're just doing it for attention. It's hard to ignore people like that, so it's not really the best route. Just try talking to her about it, and if that doesn't work, go see a therapist, and recommend to your mom she should do the same since she obviously doesn't know how to handle all of your emotions and what you're going through. Good luck!