By Anonymous - 29/11/2014 16:28 - United States - Portland

Today, I thought it would be cute to put on a Santa hat and ask my crush what he wanted for Christmas. He said "A girlfriend." I took off my Santa hat and yelled "Ta-da!" He added, "An ATTRACTIVE girlfriend." FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 407
You deserved it 5 752

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If he cares more about looks than personality, he isn't worth it, OP. Find someone who will find you beautiful no matter what.


ChildrenOfFilth 12

That must've taken a lot of guts. Kudos for trying!!!

RA91 26
ezrajab 22

Well that's ****** up! Sorry op

Pretty smooth on your part. Better luck with the next guy

FMLworthy5000 21

That was pretty cute Totally his loss

Awh! :( That was a very cute way of asking him! ^_^

That was actually really clever and brave of you. I would have never been able to walk up to my crush and do that. He missed out, you dodged a bullet.

I'm sure you have a great personality

SauceySarah 30

Aw I'm sorry OP. That's lame.