By Anonymous - 06/03/2012 19:54 - United States

Today, I thought I was home alone, so I started singing to my cat. After a half hour of this, I finally stopped. Then I heard applauding. I turned around to find my parents standing in my doorway. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 642
You deserved it 22 469

Same thing different taste

Top comments

scarletscarface 10

that must have been awkward :)

I hope it wasn't sarcastic applause. If it was your parents are just mean.


They must have been applauding because of you're amazing voice!! :D

mrmerino 0

"She is my caaaaaaaaaaaaaaat..."

friedbunnies 9

Hey that's how Susan Boyle got started...

CenterOfTheEarth 0

at least you weren't masturbating :)

No big deal I am sure your parents have seen you do worse things haha. If you can't be comfortable around them then thats a problem. Sing least they applauded not booed haha.

talon87 1

That just means you were good

and that's why you make sure the house is empty before engaging in singing sessions with your cat :)