By Unsuspecting - 16/04/2016 12:23 - United States

Today, I started my period almost a week earlier than I expected to. I also happened to be at the beach with a guy that I really liked when it started. He was the one who noticed, and he informed me by saying that we couldn't go back in the water or we would be eaten by sharks. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 548
You deserved it 1 737

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He seems to be pretty light-hearted about it. Regardless, that does suck and I'm sorry Mother Nature is punishing you for not being pregnant.

I guess its time to stop swimming, period.


Aw honey. I know that must have been really embarassing for you. It does seem like this guy was trying to make a joke and make the situation less embarassing though. I know periods suck but they won't last forever so there's that. You'll be able to laugh this off I'm sure.