By anonymous - 13/01/2012 05:05 - Canada

Today, I sold my Xbox and Kinect to a guy. I forgot that sometimes I'd play Dance Central naked, and the Kinect would make videos. This guy now has videos of me, naked, badly dancing. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 307
You deserved it 52 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments


"Today, I bought a used xbox from a guy. I went to play the Dance Central game he sold me with it. It brought up a video he'd saved of himself, dancing in the nude. What has been seen, cannot be unseen. FML."

CeeCee_fml 16

But, Dance Central does not save those videos. Once you exit the song they should be erased.

davek 36

And on 4chan tonight, Rapidsh*t links will be posted.

Jaja...that video is going to go viral. Your going to be famous. =)

I saw those videos to

If it was me who bought it, I'd just erase it. That would just be the courteous thing to do.

Looks like your buying your Xbox back :P