By malebonding - 17/08/2009 13:50 - United States

Today, I slept in late and when I woke up, thought I was the only one in the house so I decided to walk around the corner to the only upstairs bathroom naked. My dad also slept in, also thought he was the only one in the house, and also decided to walk to the bathroom naked. We collided. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 332
You deserved it 14 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

monkeyspark 6

Incest: a game the whole familly can play.

FordPrefect 0


Tokie_fml 0

I just want to know how they ran into each other... if they were both turning the corner at the same time that means one of them passed the bathroom... if the bathroom was in the middle of the hallway they would have seen each other long before they had a chance to run into each other... the only way I see this one working is if one was leaving the bathroom while the other was trying to enter... i say this is fake

Well not all houses are laid out the same way, are they? If I walk out of my bedroom door it would be quite possible for somebody coming out of the guest room to walk into me on their way to the bathroom.

#87: Obviously you didn't look at the OP's gender. It was a guy colliding with his dad. Not a chick colliding with her fake boyfriend...?

Well thats some way of bonding with your dad...

Yes, I'm sure that's the story you two told your mom when she walked in on the scene. "... and we both just happen to have morning wood! So you see, it was all an accident!"

thelonelylurker 0

It's not gay if balls weren't touching.

this FML sounds like it belongs as a narration in arrested development.

Mignun 0

Lmao. Again, at least you aren't a girl. Would've been more awkward. Still sucks though.