By malebonding - 17/08/2009 13:50 - United States

Today, I slept in late and when I woke up, thought I was the only one in the house so I decided to walk around the corner to the only upstairs bathroom naked. My dad also slept in, also thought he was the only one in the house, and also decided to walk to the bathroom naked. We collided. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 332
You deserved it 14 920

Same thing different taste

Top comments

monkeyspark 6

Incest: a game the whole familly can play.

FordPrefect 0


Was either one of you aroused at the time? Did either one of you get aroused once you saw the other naked? Who screamed first? Did you accidentally bump uglies? ANSWERS! WE WANT ANSWERS!!!!

Like Father, like Son Squiggles beat me to it XD

777_alex_777 0

malebonding ahaha, love the name XD

You know what this calls for.................... SPERM FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HAPPY DICK DAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lmfao. did you get scared and piss all over him and the floorr?

I got the most hilarious image in my head. I'm trying not to wake up the cat by laughing too loud.

Mhmm actually, I once saw my Dad naked. It was like, 4 or 5 am. And we bumped to each other in the kitchen and I was like, yawning and pretending I was sleepwalking xD LAWLZ