By jcesom - 29/07/2009 05:53 - United States

Today, I showed by ID to get into a bar and the bouncer kept it because he said it wasn't me. It was. Apparently I've gained so much weight I am unrecognizable. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 544
You deserved it 15 931

Same thing different taste

Top comments

tick_tock 0

You should have called the police, he can't keep your ID.

sportmaster525 0

well that's quite the predicament


As opposed to something 75% illegal, #28

Funky_T 0

Your so fat, you gonna get arrested at the airport on holiday for 10 pounds of crack..... and your Passport photo says 'Picture is continued overleaf'

i don't know why everyone is assuming that this person is just fat... their gender is not listed next to their name. for all we know, this could be a pregnant woman. or maybe there's some reason this person gained weight that he or she couldn't control...stop jumping to conclusions, people, there are a lot of different possibilities.

imandien 0

If you're fat, then YDI. If it's something out of your control, FYL.

jakeidk 0
ChickInGreenVans 12

im pretty certain that it is..

He can't bloody well do that without proof. What an ASSSSSS.