By DEATHBYEX1LE - 04/03/2013 05:01 - Australia

Today, I sent my girlfriend a text saying, "Your the best girlfriend any man could have, and I think I may be in love with you." Ten minutes later, she responded with, "*you're". FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 392
You deserved it 48 360

DEATHBYEX1LE tells us more.

I know the difference, I just made a simple mistake....

Top comments

She's a grammar nazi. Doesn't mean she doesn't hold feelings for you. You neee to understand that bad grammar can be a turn off for some...

Good thing that she got her senses right, and that she corrected you is positive to show you that you can not do whatever you like :P And I am glad you are not rushing things and use words as "I may love you" But still a minor FYL moment though, since spelling can be hard at times. Or grammar


It doesn't MATTER if he spelled it wrong or used wrong grammar. #2 If you're old enough to know the difference between your and you're then you're old enough to KNOW WHAT SOMEBODY MEANS. Don't make yourself look like an asshole by correcting them when they try to do something nice for you. It makes you THINK you look better than them, which you don't. You just look like an ass.

We; the internet are very serious about our grammar.

PhishloverA 14

I say it was the thought that counted!!!

Well, she's right. A grammar mistake can be a turn off, and also make it seem like you didn't take your time writing the text.

YDI for telling her you may be in love with her via text.

You probably shouldnt have told her u loved her by Text, just saying

Dude whatever happened to "I love you too!" Where was the excitement?!!! I think I jumped for joy when my husband finally spit it out :D just sayin

vegas518 7

If you're old enough to be in love then you should know that saying "I love you" for the first time is inappropriate through a text message.

Ohh damn. Sounds like something I would do. Did she send nice gushy one afterwards??