By Anonymous - 11/10/2010 09:07 - Canada

Today, I scratched a lottery ticket I had gotten for my birthday and won $10,000. In celebration, I jumped up and raised my hands directly into a ceiling fan. Oh, and it was a fake ticket. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 378
You deserved it 6 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

WOO HOO! You're a tall mother ******.

DONTrockMYroll 0

FYL!! :( hope your hand feels beetteerrr


instead of these pranks making me laugh, I feel so sad and embarrassed for them :| guess it's just my kind heart hehe

My parents did that to me once only I hit a wasps nest cause we were outside

I did that to my sis last year. Needless to say she kicked my ass almost. Funniest shit I've ever done though

bishhitsandii 3

I think this may be my seventh time attempting to post this comment, so let's cross our fingers, yeah? Okay! That's usually how it works. Girls tend to grow more quickly, but stop sooner, while boys take much longer and even continue growing into their twenties. o: Sooo, did it finally post??

It's alright, you're Canadien. You're supposed to be dim.

ClubsBreakHearts 2

Canadian* It's okay, people who insult those from other countries are supposed to be dim also.

YDI for falling for it. I've seen those so many times on AFV so I would immediately be suspicious about a 10000 dollar winning ticket. You also deserve it for being an idiot and jumping up and down like your five... you make me ashamed to be Canadian. You make us all look bad because you are stupid.

UofLCardFan08 6

Hey, I'd jump up and down too if I believed I won 10 grand.

Not every one watches AFV all the time, you know. Besides, i think it kinda sucks, being all excited, then getting hit by a fan and finding out it's a fake. I'd be pretty disapointed too. Also, just because someone can be naive, or loose thier head sometimes, dosn't mean thier stupid. and th fact the OP is Canadian has nothing to do with it. there's a few million people up here, not everyones a genious.

I throw my hands up in the air sometimes saying ayooooo I won the lottooooo.

inglouriousbitch 0

Fail. Ceiling fan blades do NOT hurt.

I wish I could reach the ceiling 