By sad - 26/02/2010 19:17 - United States

Today, I saw boobs, in person, for the first time. Too bad they were my mom's and I'm 27. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 012
You deserved it 8 367

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I am sincerely sorry about this. My mother enjoys walking around the house without pants on. D;

awwwh that's horrible, your poor virgin eyes! that's what porns for.


ejprice 0

I'm proud of you for being a virgin. keep up the good work. it's nice to know I'm not the only one.

u either are a hobbit, ur ass ugly, or uhave a tiny penis and ur sperm come out single file, or all of the above

transcedental 18

hey there OP, I am really sorry for you :/ I hope everything comes right soon, and you experience a true love-story ^^ / which all of these meany people commenting your misfortune may never even get close to >.>/ everything happens for a reason ;) good luck ^^

Good to know that not everyone on FML thinks that he should go out and get laid ASAP. Especially considering some folks would rather wait and see if they can form a lasting relationship (a.k.a. marriage) before having sex.

Transcedental...but my typing was not :(

transcedental 18
stacestaceoox 0