By 6u174r_d00d - 10/08/2011 21:10 - United States

Today, I saw a cute girl working register at my regular coffee shop and politely asked the her for her number. I was brutally rejected. A few minutes later, a douchebag with a popped collar approached her with a cheesy pickup line and left with not only her number, but a free frappe. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 040
You deserved it 6 124

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone knows you gotta pop your collar if your a pimp

Inspired22 11

Don't give up. The worthwhile girls don't go for the popped-collar type anyway.


Awww don't feel bad maybe she has a thing for bad boys.

SolemnlyLove 7

dont all young women have a thing for bad boys?

Since when do bad boys wear popped collars? I must have missed that memo

Quest_ 13

Wow dude, FYL. You were clearly entitled to a date with that girl because you were polite to her. Isn't it hard, being sooo nice to girls all the time, but they won't even have sex with you?

Wtf are you talking about idiot? I was being completely sarcastic, asshole. You failed.

Quest_ 13

Wow man, I think someone's overdue for a wank.

meischuck 0

Sing this to her,

tundraman07 0

You're life is over. Pills to the left, gun to the right, bridge straight ahead. Or just ignore the *****.

Maevora06 2
drwcomics 1

A girl into guys like that aren't worth your time. Seriously. Forget her, and be thankful you don't have to put up with her.

Car_crashhearts 1

Well OP I want to be sympathetic, but then again I don't know who you are. Maybe you are one of those creepy guys that hit on girls that you are obviously way too old for. Perhaps the "douchebag" is someone she's seen around and closer to her age? Maybe you could even be that one creepy regular at my coffee shop who IS obviously way too old to be hitting on the cashiers there and steal our coffee and you're just mad because this dude didn't get yelled for his free frappe. Then again she could also just be bitch. It could go either way :)

robc32ca 4

Did he speak clearly and with proper grammar? Was he a "douche bag" only because he got the number and you didn't?

foxmatrix15 8

Turns out the whole shyness geek move doesn't work dude. You need to grow balls and confidence and act like the girl is ur forth option to pick up. It helps 50% if ur good-looking too so shave ur body hair and hit the gym.