By BikerBuddy - 14/05/2010 01:11 - France

Today, I saw a blond-haired guy crouched by my bike fiddling with something as I came back from the shop. Thinking he was a thief, I slammed him across the head with my helmet, knocked him over - then I realised not only was he a kid barely in his teens, he was tying his shoes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 780
You deserved it 46 300

Same thing different taste

Top comments

therevolution 0

poor kid imagine the life he has from now on...everytime he bends over to tie his shoes he's gonna be all paranoid....0.o


Nuke option! Shoot first, ask question later.

gaahhh123 0

while I would have made sure he was attempting to steal before hitting him, I sympathize. and people that's not being paranoid. I've had a couple attempted thefts of my bike. it's not being paranoid when 2 strong men can pick it up and walk away with it. at least OP didn't shoot the guy...

HAHA. Wow this is funny shit. No lie. You shoudve pocket checked him while you were at it. **** it, might as well. Lol.

And who said the French are peaceful?

Err, no one. Please refer to the French Revolution.

No one? Erm, please refer to all the idiotic comments and faked google result screenshots implying that the French never won a war and all they do is surrender. I didn't start the damn stereotype; no need to educate me. I'm just stating what other people seem to think.

YDI for having a bike, and for not wanting it stolen

Awesome! The world would be a better place if people got the shit knocked out of them for doing any shady looking shit. I hope you kicked him while he was down. It's the best time. His head is right there by your foot anyways.

10, Harsh words from a girl that looks like a virgin herself.

woah Cupcake, you need to put those things away. they can cause damage in young minds xP