By DaisyMay - 04/04/2011 19:47 - United States

Today, I returned home to find the key to my mailbox missing. I called the post office and was informed that a new key will cost me $15. I have no money, and my paycheck is in the mailbox. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 360
You deserved it 5 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You don't have 15 bucks? I think you might have bigger problems then missing a key.

Meet the mailman @ the mailbox tomorrow


ashyash90 8

If it's a p.o. Box, go to the post office with a photo ID, explain the situation, and they can probably go take the mail out of the box for you and bring it to you. Then ucan go cash ur check and pay it off. Also, I suggest getting a checking account and having your check direct deposited from now on. So much easier, no need to pick it up and go cash it, and you'll never have this problem again!

Hence why the mailbox was taken ... And we come full circle.

Seeing as it's a PO Box at the Post Office... I'm sure they would get your mail for you if you give them a Photo ID showing that you are the owner of the PO Box..

There are so many options for this. As others have said, show your photo ID and prove that you own the PO box so they open it up for you, you could get direct deposit, or you could borrow $15 from someone until you can cash your check and pay them back. Honestly, though, to not even have $15 in emergency funds is pretty much YDI. You should be putting aside a tiny bit of each paycheck into a pile of money you don't touch no matter how much you need it to pay off whatever, for emergencies.

Ask them for the mail. That's what I do when I forget the key

how do you not have $15? ydi for being a poor bitch

IThriveWithYourPain 14

just pick the lock or break it if you can't or better idea, borrow 15 ******* dollars from a buddy and then pay them back with money from the paycheck