By OMGraven - 19/02/2010 08:24 - United States

Today, I returned home to find that my boyfriend's dog had gotten into the garbage and ripped all my used pads to shreds. There's a trail of Always tatters leading to his dog bed, and blood everywhere. My blood. Oh God. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 661
You deserved it 3 601

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Shmoe 0

Oh, I didn't see the word 'dog'.

I've had this happen to me before. Damn dogs. -_-"


softballgirl7 0

That has actually happened to me before too. I came home, saw it all over the bathroom floor and hallway. It actually made ME want to vomit also. I wanted to kill my dog. I don't know what attracts them to stuff like that.

bfrench95 0
koko1718 0

My dog does that all the time, it's so gross

cookiiies_fml 0

dude, this happens to me allll the time. and my stupid brother's dog always gets into the garbage, and then HE'S like 'EWWWW gross!! stop throwing your used TAMPONS(theyr pads) into the garbage!! thats nasty!' like where else would i put them? its a natural thing, i cant help it, unless i pull out my reproductive organs, but then goodbye earth..and he announces it to the whole family.

this happened to me too! I switched to cloth pads (bought a bunch on etsy).

Cloth pads just sound gross... who wants to handle those any more than absolutely necessary? Besides, wouldn't they stain? And how would you change it away from home when you couldn't just toss it in the laundry?

I'm dreading the return of my period after I have my baby.. it's been so nice to not have it 

Wow, that freaking suuuuckz!! I just use tampons and then flush them away. I never had a dog eat/chew any of my pads before, and my dogs (5) always went through the garbage. Haha fyl.

bella255 0

oh my i remember i was in my friends house and her dog ran in the bathroom and had someone pad ewww