By Anonymous - 29/02/2012 16:52 - United States

Today, I rescued a cactus from a lethal fall. It thanked me with a handful of spines. FML
I agree, your life sucks 10 406
You deserved it 32 981

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah, gotta love those lightning quick reflexes and how they come in handy when you really shouldnt have them.

Yeah, those cacti are vengeful *******. Either that or you're an idiot for catching one with your bare hands. While you're at it, would you give my pet porcupine a bath? He's quite tame, I assure you.


I'm sorry, but that is stupid as hell.

Why the he'll would you try and catch a cactus? Let that thing hit the ground!

Mrbeaverduck 0
linkinpark98 23

At least you gained some respect points from that cactus!

julialinn 2

Sorry that you expected it to feel like a pillow.

This should really be written as... Today I clumsily dropped a cactus and stupidly decided to catch the spiky part.

Good work. I am proud of you, son. /shot

Every plant is earth's child. Wish everyone's like this dude...

effron777 1

Too bad you didn't get an arrow to the knee..