By Anonymous - 01/09/2009 19:19 - United States

Today, I received a text message from my favorite sister saying "Great news! The technology in condoms has improved so much that they ensure that accidents like you won't ever happen again!" Today's my birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 982
You deserved it 8 781

Same thing different taste

Top comments

it's just a joke, chill out. Close siblings can make jokes similar to that sometimes, even if you were hurt your life isn't ****** and your sister is not a bitch.

the_stereotype 0

if she's younger than you, say, "well...obviously they don't learn from their mistakes. they just make bigger ones (emphasis on bigger)" if she's older than you, say, "yeah...they tried to get it right the second time." anyway, your sister is a bitch with a good sense of humor


i think she meant to say mistake not accident, lol jk

strawberryswirl 0

Your sister is awesome. My friends in my dorm freshman year gave me a birthday card with condoms taped to it, and it said that my parents must have forgotten the spermicidal lubricant. Instead of being a whiny little bitch like you, I laughed and then moved on with my life.

T_r_i_c_k_Y 0

For my 10th birthday, my (at the time) 23 year old sister gave me a UPS box with a piece of paper in it that said "There's a 13 year difference between me and you, you are the one who was a surprise from the start--play your cards right, kiddo!" I didn't act like it was the end of the world :/

Oh goody, another "Today, I can't take a joke. FML"

so what? it's a joke. Be glad your sister has a sense of humor

The worst part of this is the fact that you mention your 'favorite sister'.. And obviously it was just a joke - get on with your life, and spot wasting our lifes with these nonsense stories..