By Anonymous - 12/11/2009 11:17 - Australia

Today, I realized that I hadn't shaved in so long that when the wind blew, the hairs on my legs moved in the breeze. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 854
You deserved it 49 454

Same thing different taste

Top comments

itsalwaysfunny 0

Sooo... why don't you shave? I'm sorry, how is this an FML?

Christ, it has nothing to do with hygiene -- it's cultural norms. Men don't shave their legs, and it's not unhygienic. What are you, twelve?


borabora1991 0

Well, maybe she's participating in No-shave November. And maybe she also participated in Odious October... And Shaggy September... Heck, she may not have even shaved since Fuzzy February.

PonPonPattaPon 0

#142. Your comment is made of win x10,000 squared. Plus 5.

Spring! It's Spring right now, actually - we don't have summer 'til December.

Stupid much in the winter everyone wears pants because the breeze is too cold idiot and she wouldn't know if her leg hair was moving in the winter because of the jeans I would know first hand cuz I live in Maine jeans all winter long

i guess most people here are from america... the OP is from australia and it is not winter here! It's almost Summer and it's already really hot it's about 30-40° where i live (that's 86- 104 for u americans btw) so please stop thinking everyone lives on the same part of earth as you. :)

This isn't an FML, this is you looking for attention. So go shave your legs. I don't see anybody stopping you. It's only FML if people have been really rude to you about it, but seeing as your FML concentrated solely on the fact the hairs are long, I'm not gonna say FYL.

xX_FML_much_Xx 0

uhh #156 its spring in Australia and it just shows how depressed you are if you're making other people miserable by calling them names

happycloud_fml 0

This FML blows. Now go shave those legs.