By helen - 10/05/2011 03:44

Today, I realized that I give the computer screen a thumbs up whenever I see something cool. I work on computers in front of people all day. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 487
You deserved it 26 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Is it weird that I held my thumbs up to my iPhone while reading this?

xmayne 0

no, being normal is overrated.


borkchop1992 15
SpectSelf 0

stop being so self conscience. that isn't that bad

dezinspaaace 0

I don't see anything wrong with this behavior, I have flipped off, screamed and punched a computer for not saving a project.

everyone's got their little kinks, if that's the worst ya got then you're fine

Troll_Doll 0

Two thumbs way, way up for our leading office lady!

who gives the thumbs up anymore?! ha ha....this is just weird!

that's ok. if you work in information technology everyone else expect you to be just a little quirky.