By zahra_786 - 11/04/2013 09:11 - United Kingdom

Today, I played Call of Duty with my new flatmate. He continuously lost and was outraged that a girl beat him. It resulted in him shouting at me, claiming that since I'm Muslim, I must be part of the Taliban, which would explain my gaming skills. FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 000
You deserved it 8 915

zahra_786 tells us more.

zahra_786 19

Hey guys OP here! I loved reading the comments! So this was the first week or so he had moved in, so I set up my playstation 3 for us and the other three flatmates to allow him to get to know us and speak to us since he was new here! When I kept beating him, he started shouting stuff in Italian (he's a foreign student) and then at the end he started using my religion as the reason for my win! LOL. I also beat his ass on FIFA..but he had no ridiculous excuse there ! :Dp.s. he's hopefully moving out soon so its all good!

Top comments

Pshhh where do you think they get their practice at?! Good job OP for being a video gamer ;) we need more like you


There are a group of men who think that by losing to a woman in COD is like losing your manhood. You know, guns and such.

That group of men probably didn't have their manhood to begin with

Maybe they need women to give them head so they can prove their manhood.

Of course. Little known fact that the Taliban use Black Ops 2 as training. Let's hope your flatmate can keep up with his side of the payments.

Wow. You'd think he'd be attracted to you, but instead starts cussing you out. Rude much? ._.

I'm surprised he doesn't know that Muslims are the only true religion that is about peace. I hope he grows up OP

NijiNoKo 14

Let me guess, you're Muslim, right? Oh, and the religion is called Islam. The people who believe in Islam are Muslim. So maybe you aren't Muslim.

I didn't notice that the first time I read it, sorry haha.

Oh. Yeah, I was agreeing with #25 too. I thought you were just telling a story about a time you and your Muslim friend got in someone's shot and that annoyed the photographer. I had no clue anyone else heard what you said.

Trisha_aus 15

Your incident reminds me of that scene in Harold and Kumar.

Haha Im a Muslim girl and Im a video gamer (x. Maybe that's the reason a guys never flipped when I've beaten him o.o

Sounds a little like this can be made into a cheesy joke. "A nun, Muslim, and an assassin walk into a bar..."

Sounds a little like this can be made into a cheesy joke. "A nun, Muslim, and an assassin walk into a bar..."