By Anonymous - 31/08/2011 17:06 - Canada

Today, I noticed a young child wandering out onto a busy street. I managed to grab his arm just as he stepped off the sidewalk and yank him away from almost certain death. My reward was his mother, who was on her cell phone the whole time, screaming at me for touching her child. FML
I agree, your life sucks 38 203
You deserved it 2 528

Same thing different taste

Top comments

LolliDolly 19

What have the world come to.. Such an idiot mother, she should be bloody grateful you saved her child!! Sorry op, you did not deserve that..


Khiash 6

Save child from fatal experience, bad things happen. Don't save child from fatal experience, bad things happen. You just can't win

Dumb bitch. If she paid more attention to her child maybe she would have seen that you were possibly saving a life. But I guess she didn't. That's why her kid is wondering out into traffic.

_NoobsRapedMe 2

So when she's on her cellphone , her child is non-existent , but when you grab her child she suddenly "cares" ? Should've pimp slapped her OP, should've pimp slapped her.

MacUser1986 5

You should of let the child die, teach the mother a lesson that the child is more important than a phone conversation. Sometimes it takes something like that to happen to teach someone.

God this drives me crazy! When I was young, if I got lost somewhere I'd walk around until someone asked me if I was lost, male or female. They'd always help me find my parents, and my parents were always grateful. Nothing bad ever happened to me, so how come, all of a sudden, everyone who tries to help a child is a now a paedophile? Idiots shouldn't be aloud to breed...

you should have gone berserk and shouted in her face...give her a parent talk of her life...that would instantly clear your name and move the guilt over to her...stupid bitch!