By ggbhghggg - 18/11/2009 23:04 - United States

Today, I missed my bus. I had to ride my bike 2 miles. Once I left, some jerk nearly hit me. I flipped him off and shouted obsceneties. It was my dad, offering me a ride. He left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 679
You deserved it 42 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

popatia 0

Why would he nearly hit you if he was going to offer you a ride? It doesn't make any sense to me.


Oh noooo; two miles?! How did you do it??! I used to ride/ walk 3 miles to school every day without complaint. You rely on public transport too much my friend.

It seems a lot of you miss the point. The point is not that he had to ride two miles, it's that he flipped off and cussed out his dad. But you already knew that.

Whoa, 2 whole miles. You must have been exhausted when you arrived at school. I had to drive 30 miles to school. On a bike. In every weather-condition. Suck it up.

When I was your age, I had to bike 20 miles to school, in the snow, uphill both ways, with no shoes, three flat tires, in the dead heat of summer. And I had polio.

riku3220 2

Mistake caught! You said in the snow and in the dead heat of summer.

That's pathetic. I walk that to and from each work every day. Sounds like you could do with the exercise if two miles seems like some kind of arctic hike, to you.

youthink_fml 0

you sound damn lazy and pathetic

skyeyez9 24

as a kid My school was about two miles from my home. I rode the bus till I was old enough to drive. Walking was not an option because there was no safe route for pedestrians. No sidewalks, and the streets had alot of traffic.

ninjobliveus13 0

I run about 20 miles a week, Monday-Friday. Being in the army I have to be able to run 2 miles in 15 1/2 minutes. I make it in 13. Sorry you had to RIDE so far! I understand that you think it's FYL cause you were offered a ride, but seriously you shouldn't be complaining.

I run 75 a week averaging about 7 minute miles on normal runs. workouts and races are a diff story.