By ggbhghggg - 18/11/2009 23:04 - United States

Today, I missed my bus. I had to ride my bike 2 miles. Once I left, some jerk nearly hit me. I flipped him off and shouted obsceneties. It was my dad, offering me a ride. He left. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 679
You deserved it 42 583

Same thing different taste

Top comments

popatia 0

Why would he nearly hit you if he was going to offer you a ride? It doesn't make any sense to me.


wow a whole 2 miles?! i'm surpised you lived through that. god that would take like 10 minutes, suck it up.

Emchilo 0

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ydi but that's still hilarious.

REALLY?!?!? ARE YOU ******* KIDDING ME? i ride atleast 10-12 miles A DAY 5 days a week. 2 miles takes no time at all, quit ******* whining

wow, 2 miles too much for you on a single occasion? youre pathatic!! anything thats mre then 5 mins walking i do by bike, that includes a 10 miles forth, 10 miles back trip to my job, 5 days a week, every week.

oh two miles on a bike, booo-hoo that's nothing suck it up

omg 2 miles? ok lemme tell u this I'm 15 I weigh 287 lb and I walk everyday about 4 or 5 miles a day UPHILL and I don't complain it's just to try to lose weight... not seeing any results though :(

aw, don't be sad. be confident, keep it up!

in 6th grade pe we had to do 4 miles in 16 minutes on a machine. 2 miles should take you even less than 8 minutes. man up. although, if you live in a really hilly area like i do, it might take you twice as long to do one mile. if that's the case, but only if that's the case, fyl.

2 miles is nothing on a bike... that's like 5 minutes

um k? you shouldn't be shouting at people anyways? maybe take a look next time...