By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 00:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I met my new class. There are two Kevin Smiths. Neither will agree to a nickname, they have the same hair color, and their middle names both start with J. They have told me to call them Kevin 1 and Kevin 2. They both want to be Kevin 1. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 667
You deserved it 3 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

puppster391 16

Kevin J. Smith will have to get over it, then.

Sit them on opposite sides of the class and call them Kevins Right and Left


Llama_Face89 33

Assign a number by birth date?

Wow. My name is Kevyn C.J. Smith. That's why my first name is spelt with a y not an i

Epikouros 31

Neither will agree? That's not how nicknames work. I wasn't called Gremlin on school because I looked good. If the Kevins don't like any nick you make up, let the class decide. They'll probably be called ******** and Fuckface for the rest of their school career.

Exactly! You can't just DECIDE that you don't want a nickname!

You can, however, refuse to answer to a nickname which in this case defeats the whole purpose of them being given the name in the first place. You don't have to consent to someone else changing your name.

Make them pay for their similarities by treating them as one person. That'll teach 'em to mess with you!

Try Kevin 1 and Kevin A, that way they are both first. Also, try to pick out facial details, such as spots, etc., and then tell them apart using that. Or ask them for their mother's maiden name or something.

Just call them both Kevin then, but make sure you're always looking at the right Kevin. Eye-contact is key, and it's polite anyway.

Call them Kevin A and Kevin 1. Or the Mongooses! The Fighting Mongooses! That's a good team name!

ThatLooksSticky 16

How about Kevin 1 and Kevin A? Or maybe Kevin and Nivek?

Call one KJ and the other KS. Tell them to get over it if they don't like your decision.