By Anonymous - 19/02/2013 00:26 - United States - San Francisco

Today, I met my new class. There are two Kevin Smiths. Neither will agree to a nickname, they have the same hair color, and their middle names both start with J. They have told me to call them Kevin 1 and Kevin 2. They both want to be Kevin 1. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 667
You deserved it 3 445

Same thing different taste

Top comments

puppster391 16

Kevin J. Smith will have to get over it, then.

Sit them on opposite sides of the class and call them Kevins Right and Left


Go the Futurama route — Kevin 1 & Kevin A

RedPillSucks 31
demonic_angel85 2

i suggest referring to them as either "kevin 1 and chocolat-thunda" or "brat and child"

I vote you call them Jay and Silent Bob.

ulissey_fml 22

Organize a name -finding competition for your class ,with a cool prize for the best name found ; tell both of them THEY can win too, if they have inventive suggestions! ( I'd say "Brad" would be close enough..;)

Smithson and Smithlar. Problem solved. Alternatively, call them Selma and Patty from the Simpsons......

Me1977 8

You could always just sing one of their names, and do the other monotone.

artinwords 14

This is where "hey you" comes in! You could ask them their favorite colors? Have them use those on papers.

Call them by their middle names. Now if their middle names are the same, you're royally screwed. I'm also assuming you're the teacher, so you deserve it for not putting your foot down. Your class, your rules.

salty04 2

we had this problem on my lacrosse team we had to kevins, there was a tall and short one so we called them big sexy and little sexy