By icanunderstand - 10/07/2009 12:50 - Russian Federation

Today, I'm studying abroad in Russia, and I lost my keys to my dorm room. In the office I asked for a spare and she spoke really fast so I couldn't hear her. Assuming I don't speak Russian, she gets on the phone and calls maintenance saying, "There is this ugly girl about to cry... come fix it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 205
You deserved it 3 677

Same thing different taste

Top comments

SilverXeno 0

In Soviet Russia, you don't lose keys. KEYS LOSE YOU!


you should of said " the ugly girl can hear you" in Russian to her


124: if you hate Russians, try germany dumköpf arschloch!

Chocolate_Chunk 2

Spelling "Dummkopf" isn't that hard. Mach dich nicht zum Hans.

lampbandit 0
valdigrad 0

ne, lutche idioti' kotoriye prikidoyutsa ruskime haha

bamam 0

I sure hope you had a good response for her

sgtcxelite 11

My question is, how did you ask for a spare key..? If it was in Russian, she'd know you can speak the language. If it was in English, she wouldn't have answered in Russian and would have probably called maintenance before trying. I know there's a possibility of an English-to-Russian book, but I based on what OP said, she could speak and understand it fine. And why wouldn't OP just say in Russian "Excuse me?" or "Could you repeat that?". There must have been a long pause to make her think you didn't understand..

I know this is several years old but seriously, who goes to study in Russia?

u guys need to stop insulting russians. im from russia and its just annoying how some ppl think they no shit but they're just ****** up

cryssycakesx3 22

no need to prove their point...