By Croissant - 23/09/2014 06:01 - Japan - Kochi

Today, I’m french and am studying in Japan. One of my teachers, passionate about France, opened a magazine about French bread and asked me if it tasted good. I cried. FML
I agree, your life sucks 648
You deserved it 118

Top comments

dannidoll93 24

I think OP cried because they miss French bread so much


well.. at least you didn't get the unpleasant surprise of cumin seeds in your bread! they do this in Czech Republic.. and no worries, you will find something Japanese to crave when you get back. Make sure to bring a stash!

That actually sounds delicious. Now I want to taste this!

Tu n'aime pas ton pays c'est cela que tu pleure ou tu as un problème

"Tu n'aime" venant de la personne qui vient de dire à quelqu'un que "Ton français n'est pas bon"... Lol.

At least you had the choice of being French today!

Haha yeah, that's what I was going to say. "If you're French today, what are you going to be tomorrow?"

Je m'excuse que tu manque ton pays, je sais que c'est très difficiles des fois. J'espère que la situation vas devenir plus facile ❤️

BabyCakes818 16

I'm sorry you're missing home OP. Hopefully you'll get back soon!

I feel you're pain. I'm a New Yorker going to school in Cali. I dream about New York pizza.