By Anonymous - 27/01/2015 00:19 - United States - Huntsville

Today, I'm at the unique point in my schooling that I'm either extremely overqualified or extremely underqualified for every job opportunity that appeals to me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 776
You deserved it 2 430

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I will never understand why "Over Qualified" is a thing

Apply for a job you're overqualified for, then work your way up. Simple!


Make sure to watch Breaking Bad so you know how to do it. Oh and watch Prison Break in case you get caught. Oh and the Walking Dead in case a sudden zombie apocalypse starts.

Sorry OP, been through that it sucks. However, good luck! Maybe find a way to under-qualify yourself?.... I don't know haha.

Well if you are overqualified for some of them that you want take those

If the job appeals to you, what's wrong with being over qualified? What matters is loving what you do...

People won't hire you if you're over-qualified. I had to start leaving off that I attended the technical college before I finally started getting calls from fast food and retail.

You won't get hired, happened to me all the time after graduation.

Story of my life, yay for a mortgage sized debt!

You have no idea how much I feel your feel.

No such thing as overqualified OP a job is a job until you graduate

Yes such thing as overqualified. Some idiots won't hire you if your studies exceed theirs because they're afraid you'll climb the ranks too fast and take their job.

veritoswty6 14
Axel5238 29

It sucks OP, but very true. It's a business and many will try to avoid anyone over qualified because of what they have experience and what it could cost the employer in the long run. Lot's of jobs will higher younger people because they don't have enough experience to demand more pay, better hours and are trying to fill what they need as cheap as possible.