By Really? - 10/07/2010 14:57 - United States

Today, I lost my job because I was late. I was late because I had no alarm. I had no alarm because my roommate got mad and broke my phone when I beat her at scrabble. FML
I agree, your life sucks 525
You deserved it 61

Top comments

chocolatedrop 0

sounds like its time to move out


Words with friends= Scrabble a safe distance from sore losers:)

GetSomeM0 24

this is when violence becomes acceptable.

I think you might need a new roommate. And phone

Op i'm sorry , this is a horrible situation , you should smack your roommate and btw the illustration is funny :p

And buying a normal alarm clock was not an option because... ?

I guess you weren't indispensable at work?

You didn't even need to go buy a new alarm clock, firefox and chrome both have alarm clock extensions. Download for free, set alarm, turn on computer speakers pretty loud, and done. I've done it before.

Always make sure your alarm system is 2 deep & different power sources :(

martin8337 35

Some folks are just sore losers. Maybe they get this way grom getting a trophy for just showing up.