By Battlebarney - 22/09/2016 10:58 - United States - Washington

Today, I learned that the burning sensation I get on my balls isn't from when my girlfriend poured hot sauce on my balls as a prank, it's actually gonorrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 478
You deserved it 1 965

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I was going to try and come up with something witty but "she puts that shit on everything" takes this one.


I know the main point is that you discovered you have an STD, but...what the hell is wrong with your girlfriend? What kind of psychopath pours hot sauce on someone's genitals, prank or not? That's mildly horrifying.

I wonder what the 600+ people are thinking when they think, finding out burning wasn't hot sauce just gonorrhea, can happen to anyone. I mean shit maybe my life is just boring.

well... seems like the joke's on her too ?

I know its been said...but what in the hell was she doing putting hot sauce on your genitals? The **** kind of prank wars do you guys play? And what's wrong with you allowing that to happen? If I ever approached a mans downstairs with hot sauce I would do so only with a death wish.

Dude I think you have bigger things to worry about now then hot sauce

You know, I made an account solely to comment on this post. First off, why is there no YDI option. Second, you let her put hot sauce on your genitals, which depending on the the spiciness of it, sure it could be like the hot portion of icy hot. But to not realize after however long that it's not the same thing... Sorry op, and I'm sure that I'll get plenty of down votes for bringing up valid points, but YDI.

What's a gonorrhea? My girlfriend said she had one right before we had sex for the first time, and was asking if I was still sure I wanted to have sex.