By Anonymous - 20/11/2011 17:10 - United States

Today, I learned that my roommate, the one in charge of the cooking, never washes her hands beforehand. According to her, it boosts her immune system. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 556
You deserved it 4 207

Same thing different taste

Top comments

WinterPerfection 3
SkardeyKat 3

Well, according to her logic, your immune system is being boosted as well. I believe a thank you is in order, she's pumping up your system to defend against super-bugs!


It boosts yours too. Next time cook for her after cleaning the cat box.

"My hands are totally clean, I just gave the duck a bath."

Ok. I don't care if it'll boost anyone's immune system I don't want her ass wipe hands touching my food.

Yup! And dogs mouths magically clean their own wounds too!!

Indeed it is. A large part of the massive increase of auto-immune diseases, allergies and asthma is because people, especially children, aren't brought in contact with enough bacterial and viral infections. (google it if you doubt me).

Hahaha just inject her with AIDs bliss and say you were "helping boost her immune system!" :)

Kinda true, depends on what exactly she's been doing with her hands... "You eat a tonne of sh*t before you die"

As long as she doesn;t go to the toilet or something just before cooking, who really gives a shit? It's not going to kill you.... I'll bet you don't washyour hands every time you touch money, which actually has more germs than the average toilet... so does underneath your fingernails, which I bet you chew. Wipe the sand out of your ******, princess.

There's an easy fix to that... make your own food