By corasmom - 27/07/2011 18:09 - United States

Today, I learned that my daughter's gerbils are not afraid of the vacuum cleaner. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 870
You deserved it 10 540

Same thing different taste


Gerbils P.O.V Today, i learned the hard way of what its like to be sucked inside a vacuum cleaner. FML

that really sucks for the gerbils and your daughter

sexxme 9

rest in peace, little guy. hopefully you don't use the whole "it ran away" speech and have your daughter find out years later that you killed them with a vacuum...

YTDI. What in earth made you think it was a good idea to vacuum near those gerbils? On the vacuum cleaners label stands 'do not vacuum children or animals', I guess they've put that there especially for people like you. The only reason why this isn't your fault, is when the gerbils escaped their cage and you were unaware of their presence while vacuum cleaning, until you vacuumed them. If so, FYL. Otherwise, YDI.

yoshivar2002 0

Stupid woman. Maybe they're not total cowards like you, maybe you coulda like, I dunno, picked them up and put them in their cage? Your kids are screwed with parenting such as you provide.

yoshivar2002 0

Stupid woman. Maybe they're not total cowards like you, maybe you coulda like, I dunno, picked them up and put them in their cage? Your kids are screwed with parenting such as you provide.

It's better than what happened to Lemmiwinks. But, yeah, be honest about what happened. I'd also like to hear the rest of this story, but until I do, I'm going to imagine the gerbils as Spanish explorers questing to find out where the Goldfish crackers have gone.