By Blueshock08 - 23/02/2012 07:03 - United States

Today, I learned that it doesn't matter how good you've screwed a satellite dish onto the side of your house, it won't stop the wind the ripping it off and taking half the wall with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 370
You deserved it 3 020

Same thing different taste

Top comments

g_ayvel 11

Yeah I don't think the satellite dish is the worst of your problems right now

Buttsexpirate 9

Even the wind was like "I've warned you countless times to get cable but you just didn't listen. Oh it's on now" haha.


You just need to do a better job in screwing in the wall.

Must be some pretty strong wind considering that where I live we get gusts of 140 and that hasn't ever happened to me, either that or you just don't know how to properly secure a satellite dish

Sorry bro. Better luck next time. I hope.

I hope you got it fixed before all the rain we received. I lost the roof to my "garage in a box". Thankfully I got the important stuff out before the week of rain.

at least you might get more channels

Bandking 12

It's how well. Not how good

Rammer3500 23

I think the screws did just fine

Rammer3500 23

Guess you got it put on too well.